Time and Space Limited

Reenactment of a live projection performance of the photography Schmidlapp has been working on during our time of COVID-19. “Coming back to work unfinished and to begin work that will be never be finished.” Sorry there was little to no documentation ( a couple iphone clips). Still an authentic document of the liveshow. All the original files are here – “downtown 911″,”SpringBlizzard2020”, “EndofPrint – PrintasLight”, “CultofCars”, “EndlessSummer2020” plus “WaitingforPhase2” which was posted in part during the reopening of NYCphase2 and a tribute to #ripPhase2 and an endless summer section posted that announced the show in September. Two digital movie projectors running independently and unsynced from each other. Always ready for another show! Sounds from Yoni Niv. This projection was a part of Hudson, NewYork’s Time Space Limited “Parking Lot Movie Program , Hudson. The “other hand” on the night of this projection -Saturday September 12, 2020 -was TSL’ s one and only, Jeff Marks.