
Ditigial “SlideShow” @Brooklyn Museum — CopyMachine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines —

I, anonymous at first, didn’t call IGT a zine either in the beginning. Underground rag maybe …reaching back to my counter -culture roots and back further to the pamphleteer printers of old. But the zine scene in the early-mid 80’s was happening – everywhere but in NYC . LoL!   Hardcore post-Punk and the like. Zine was counter to any counter culture that was selling out…   Wasn’t the 70’s fan zine first a spoof on whatever rock and roll? And then there were accessible Xerox machines, the post-daDa mail-art Johnsons, gender- bending pages and freak comics. This was the scene I was going to trade and identify with. The IGT had started as a parodic take on the new downtown “graffiti art “scene. A counter to the counter narrative. there were only a few spots – underground record and head shops plus anarchist bookstores.  Surprisedly @printedmatterinc took a few those early $1 IGT pocket fold -ups. In the 70’s Soho downtown establishments were pretty snobby. I had an “artist’s book” or two rejected but now in the early 80s it was an easy shoe-in. The IGTimes was bringing both downtown artists’ own children plus inner-city kids into their store. The real twist was IGTimes’ main audience and contributors immediately became the inner-city artists themselves. In a couple years Phase2 joined the ranks and made the IGT more authentic with his “funky nous deco” design and more subversive in his counter- narrative to the now popularly called “graffiti” art and culture.  “Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists who make Zines” is a vast freak show – hundreds of zines from the 70s to our uncertain future. Perfect placement for the 2023/24 renderings of Aerosol Art Armada  digital “slideshow” –catty corner to the 80s NYC film freaks. ”The zine” made sense to anyone chasing the “last of the film underground”. I was also known in that scene for doing “live cinema” slide shows in downtown clubs and abandon urban spaces.  A museum’s corner projected as an open zine.  Props to @brooklynmuseum AV team. Next stop @vanartgallery… Music Mix #DJKnowledge for the “Style:Writing from there UnderGround” words from #Phase2 #Phase2rip #IGTimes #GetHiPP

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